Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Jump Back In, The Water's Fine

Welcome back from the Christmas break. Going off to visit family or spending time with your spouse who has suddenly reappeared with nothing to do after a few weeks of grueling tests is always nice, but now it’s time to reenter our every day law school lives. I don’t know how the rest of you feel, but I find getting back into the routine of work and/or school is a bit gloomy. A whole new semester is stretched out before me without the hope of another break for quite a while. I find that I have to have some sort of motivation to once again get up early so that I can get to work on time instead of enjoying the luxury of sleeping in as I have been for the short break. At the moment that motivation is “Woo whoo! One Semester left!” (I even have the countdown clock set up on my personal blog!) Of course there are other motivations out there, like seeing friends who have been away for a few weeks, working so that my husband and I aren’t homeless, that sort of thing. Once that first day back is over, everything is fine again and I’m happy to be back, but that first morning is a killer. Does anyone else feel the same way? And what do you do to combat the first-morning-back blues?

1 comment:

Cat said...

that first morning back is SO hard, but I generally try to make myself a nice breakfast or a good lunch and a new book to make myself look forward to some part of the day. Other than that- it is just counting down until your last day.... :) hang in there!!!