Tuesday, December 4, 2007

It's Finals Time

Finals have rolled around again which means it’s that time of year when we spouses see our law students less than usual. For the spouses of the first years, you are probably experiencing what life would be like if you were single again. One of the great things about law school (or so my husband tells me) is that your entire grade is determined by one test, not a lot of busy work and homework assignments. However, one of the worst things about law school is that your entire grade is determined by one test. Should you be having a bad day, or misread a question or two, your grade could drop without hope of bringing it back up. This is one reason why our spouses are gone most of the time during finals week and usually a few weeks before. They need to study, study, study. The first year students have no idea what to expect from the tests, so they have an especially stressful few weeks. What I wanted to write about here are ways to help our spouses relieve some of that stress, so if anyone has any suggestions, please post a comment. To help my own husband relieve some of his stress, the best thing I can do is to listen to him as he talks about what he needs to do to prepare for his tests. He’ll tell me about when he’s going to study with a group, what time his tests are, how far he’s gotten through outlining his notes and other things of that nature. I think that it helps him organize his thoughts better if he can speak them out loud, so I talk with him about what he’s going to do and when he’s going to do it. Also, we live in a studio apartment so I have to keep a little more quite than usual if he decides to study at home. Those are just a couple of things that I do to help my husband make it through finals time. Are there any suggestions from the other veteran spouses out there?


Erica said...

Oh Finals Time... atleast as a second year I am totally aware that I won't see my husband as much! I help TJ out by making his favorite dinners the night before his finals. For some reason a good/favorite meal helps! I also make him get in bed early! (make meaning I remind him kindly that he thinks better with more sleep!) I am not sure what else I do, I know I could be a better wife during finals time, but I am working on it!! I'd love to hear other ideas!

Sarah Marie said...

I kinda do the same thing you do, Jaime. I try to be really quiet when Dave is studying and try not to bug him too much. Erica, I also make sure Dave has plenty of food. A few times I have helped Dave study by quizzing him. I think its good for him to have someone to talk to about everything he is learning. Just like you said, Jaime - a way to just talk it all out. Dave is taking his first final tonight and then only 2 more to go!! Yeah!

Britni said...

Hmm pretty much sure I should've read this before finals. He's a 1L, and it's rough.